
Redefining file management and collaboration

Check out the most important features in FileAgo which helps organisations take control over their data and its security.


FileAgo is an all-in-one solution for secure file management, file sharing and collaboration.

Cloud and self-hosted versions

Sign up and start storing data in our cloud (SaaS), or self-host FileAgo in your own server.

Responsive design

FileAgo works well on all major platforms like desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.

Always available

With its backend written entirely in Erlang, FileAgo can recover from crashes or errors and will remain available 24/7 so that your business is never affected.

Fast access to data

FileAgo web application is blazing fast to use. A major reason for this is because it designed as a Single Page Application (SPA).

Data de-duplication algorithm

FileAgo dedupe algorithm can detect duplicate files, and also partial duplicate file contents (chunks). FileAgo only saves unique chunks, thereby achieving massive storage gains for an organization in the long run.

Easy deployment (for self-hosted)

FileAgo is distributed as a Docker container, thus making it very easy for anyone to quickly test and deploy in their environment.

AD and SSO integrations

FileAgo easily integrates with your organisation's Active Directory/LDAP/SSO (SAML) services, and can use it to fetch user accounts and for user authentication.

File access

Store, search and retrieve files easily. Data Loss Prevention (DLP) features ensure that you never lose any data due to accidental write or delete.

Access to older versions of files

FileAgo keeps track of all changes made to a file, thus making it easy to recover older versions of it if required.

Secure handling of data

Files are transferred via secure HTTPS, and stored at rest using AES256 military grade encryption.

Powerful search

Easily locate and access any file or folder which has been saved in FileAgo.

Recover deleted files

All files and folders that you delete go into Trash folder from where they can be retrieved within a period of time.

Preview files in browser

Preview files of all major file formats (images, videos, code, MS Office documents) etc in the browser itself before deciding to download it locally.

Built-in document editor

Create and edit Office documents (docx/xlsx/pptx) from within FileAgo web portal itself, thanks to the integrated Collabora Online editor.

O365 and Office Online integrations

Microsoft users can edit files stored in FileAgo using Office For Web and Office Online applications.

Acts like a network drive

FileAgo's WebDAV-compatible component (WebDrive) allows users to mount and browse their data stored in FileAgo just like how they browse any regular drive.


FileAgo's powerful collaboration and Data Leak Prevention (DLP) features allow user to securely share files with co-workers and external users.

Collaborate in groups

Create groups to store files and to collaborate among multiple users at a single place. Group members can be restricted further on individual resources if necessary.

Video conferencing and live chat

Communicate with team members using the integrated live chat and video conferencing features.

Discuss using comments

Add comments on files and folders to discuss and collaborate with other members inside FileAgo. Members receive instant email notifications about the discussion.

Share files with other users

Share files and collaborate with other users securely. It is possible to grant permissions to users/groups on resources at the granular level.

Password protected shares

Sharing of files with outside users can be further protected using a password. FileAgo will change the password automatically after the other user has downloaded the file.


FileAgo's Information Rights Management (IRM) features ensure security and protection of your data against unauthorised access.

Access controls

Restrict access to files and folders using flexible access control mechanisms. Permission models which cannot be setup in other solutions can be easily configured in FileAgo.

Granular file permissions

Permissions assigned to a folder applies to all items under it, and the permissions can be further overridden for individual items. This enables a user to create flexible access rules to restrict or keep out other users or groups from accessing data.

Event logs

All actions and events are logged and can be viewed at any time. Event logs include details like user name, IP address, event arguments etc.

Two factor authentication

FileAgo supports time-based OTP authentication. A user simply needs to pair his/her mobile device with the user account in order to activate 2FA.

Blocks password-based attacks

FileAgo automatically bans IP for a temporary period of time if multiple failed login attempts are detected from it.

Instant notifications

Get notified by email and popup alerts as soon as events happen.


Integrate FileAgo with your applications using its REST API and webhook capabilities.

Outgoing webhooks

Configure an external endpoint, and FileAgo will POST notification of all file-related events instantly when it happens. The possibilities are endless for developers (like, create a script to notify in Slack channel on change to certain files etc).


Developers can use REST API for building softwares which integrate with FileAgo. For e.g.: files uploaded by employees into your corporate's in-house software can be stored securely in FileAgo.